
Configuring and Updating Settings in Shop Tweak

The settings in the Shop Tweak dashboard are organized into sections that give you full control over personal account details, organizational settings, booking system configurations, and subscription management.

Access the settings in Shop Tweak by clicking "Settings" in the bottom left corner of the dashboard, selecting your username, or using the icon in the top right corner.

Account Settings

Manage your personal details here to ensure your account information is accurate and current, including updates to your username, email address, and password.

Manage your Shop Tweak settings here

After creating your account, ensure to update your password to a secure one.

Organization Details

Manage your company's essential information in the Organization Details section, including business name, business phone number, and customer contact email.

Navigate to your Shop Tweak organization settings here

Ensure these details match those on your website and social media to maintain consistency.

Paste your website's Terms of Service URL here, detailing the legal terms for the services you offer, which customers must agree to before booking an appointment.

Define your service range in kilometers to specify the geographic area you serve, and add your business address to ensure the system accurately calculates distances for customer appointments.

The business address will also display on the Google Maps integration, allowing you to verify its accuracy.

Booking System Settings

The booking system settings in Shop Tweak allow users to customize the booking experience to align with the specific needs and operational protocols of their business. These settings dictate the functionality of the online booking system and how its displayed to clients.

Access the booking system settings here

For a detailed overview of the booking system, refer to the Booking System Guide.

Company Details

Ensure the name displayed on the booking interface matches the one used on your website and social media platforms.

Upload or update your company logo to enhance brand recognition on the booking system. Displayed in the top left corner, it confirms the booking system's connection to your business.

For optimal display, the logo should be 350x100px with a transparent background.

Enhance your booking page by adding navigational links to the top right corner of the booking system. These links can connect clients to your main website, contact page, or other important online resources, facilitating easy access to additional information or support.

To add a link, specify the URL and a descriptive label that will appear on the booking system interface. For example, a link to labeled "Website" directs clients straight to our homepage.

To add additional links, click the "Add Link" button; to remove them, click the garbage icon beside each link.

Prepayment Requirement

Enable prepayment to secure revenue upfront and reduce cancellations. This feature is currently in beta and will be available soon.

Scheduling Unavailable Periods for Bookings

In the "Time Booked Off" section, schedule unavailable periods like holidays or special closures to prevent bookings during these times. Input start and end dates to ensure your booking calendar shows real-time availability.

Configuring Business Hours for Booking Availability

Scroll to the "Business Hours" section at the bottom of the page to configure your availability for customer bookings. Adjustments made here will immediately update the available times in the booking system, ensuring clients can only schedule appointments during your designated business hours.

Check the "Open" box next to each day to indicate availability for bookings; an unchecked box means the business is closed that day.

Subscription Management

In this section, you can manage your Shop Tweak subscription, including payment settings and card details. View your active plan, its cost, and key features.

Access Shop Tweak billing settings here